Episode 149: Prog Metal & Pocket Monsters (with Ro Panuganti)

Episode 149: Prog Metal & Pocket Monsters (with Ro Panuganti)

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Ro Panuganti is a multi-instrumentalist, recording artist and videographer, specializing in covers of videogames and films in the style of rock and progressive metal. His music have covered songs from games such as The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and Metroid. In this episode, Ro chats with Adrian about his latest album from Materia Collective entitled Metal Trainer, which arranges music from the Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow era of games in a breathtaking progressive metal collection. Ro also talks about his origins as a musician, creating the content on his popular YouTube channel and pitches a gritty Netflix Original-style series based on Team Rocket’s Jesse and James.

Metal Trainer is available now through Materia Collective.

Episode 150: Frozen Comics And Hot Takes (with Joe Caramagna)

Episode 150: Frozen Comics And Hot Takes (with Joe Caramagna)

Episode 148: Channing Tater Tots (with Erica Schultz)

Episode 148: Channing Tater Tots (with Erica Schultz)